Sunday, January 01, 2012

Interviewing Owner of Story Edits, an Editing Business

Today, my guest is Pam Roller, who started up a business, Story Edits, where she can help those writers make their manuscripts be the best they can be. Check out her answers as I interview her. And do leave her a comment if you have a question.

Thanks for inviting me to be a guest, Pam.

1.) Why Story Edits?

With the changing publishing market, more and more authors are choosing to self-publish. The rush to get the book on the market without having to wait months or even years for a publisher to move along with it can be exhilarating. With self-publishing, the author takes complete control and a finished book can be put up for sale almost immediately.

However, the heady rush of seeing one’s book out there for sale can be overshadowed by writing that could be better. If a book is not edited well, it can get chewed up in reviews. Bad reviews can slow or even kill an author’s career. The author may lose readership, credibility, and money.

If the author is going the traditional publishing route, the manuscript needs to be in the same great shape as it would be if it is edited for self-publishing. All publishers, not just the “big six,” are extremely picky. Agents and publishers will look for any excuse to reject the work. Why not get the manuscript professionally edited before sending it out?

My main reason for launching Story Edits has to do with self-publishing, which is becoming the popular route for many romance authors. I want to see well-written books on the market. Authors who put up unedited, poor quality books bring down the reputation of all indie romance authors in general. On a side note, IndieRomanceInk on is a wonderfully informative group for self-publishing authors.

2.) What are your qualifications?

Since I know romance, I edit romance. I’m published in romance fiction, have twenty years of experience as a writer, twelve years as an English teacher, and over two years as a former senior editor for a well-known, award-winning romance epublisher.

But if I’m a good writer, why should I have my work edited professionally?

Many authors are excellent wordsmiths or are leery of having their work edited by a stranger, but doing so welcomes a completely objective process. If I am reading an author’s work for the first time, I’ll catch things that the author missed. I have no interest in changing the author’s voice or intent, but instead I offer suggestions for continuity in plot, characterization, and structure as well as catch errors in grammar and punctuation.

While I cannot guarantee an author’s book will be a bestseller, I can help make it the best it can be. From an intense line edit to that final tweak and polish, I can help. And please note that Story Edits is not affiliated with any publishing house or agency. My only interest is the author and her manuscript.

I work with authors in all areas of romance: historical, erotica, contemporary, sweet, futuristic, fantasy, paranormal, time-travel, mystery, suspense, etc.

3.) How much does it cost?
I don’t charge by the hour because self-publishing romance authors need a tangible price in order to budget for editing, formatting, cover, promotion, etc. My price is 1½ cents per word (multiply word count by .015). This price includes two complete edits of your manuscript, before and after your revision.
All work is done electronically. The manuscript should be complete and ready for editing.

If anyone has questions, feel free to write me at or visit Story Edits.

Pamela, thanks again for having me guest on your blog.


  1. This is good to know since I Indie published a short story for Christmas, and plan to continue self-publishing longer books, which will need editing.

  2. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Thanks, Savanna. Let me know if I can help.
    --Pam Roller

  3. Anonymous2:38 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I would like to contact Pam Roller. My step daughter, Adrienne Lilley, met Pam in a Cushings group in 2001. I know it's been a long time,but for many reasons I've not been able to contact her until now. My name is Annette Lilley. If possible could you have her contact me through Twitter or perhaps facebook. I would truly appreciate any help you might provide. Thank you very much. Annette
