Thursday, May 31, 2012

Get Your Hot Mega Promotion Handout Here!

Earlier in May (May 4th actually), we three hard working authors (Shara Lanel, Pamela K. Kinney, and Kathleen Mix) put together a workshop and handout to present at the Virginia Romance Writers For Love of Writing conference down at Virginia Beach. We wound up with a 14-page handout chock full of notes and links on the basics and the latest ideas for promoting your book. If you were lucky enough to attend the conference, then you had a lot of workshops to choose from and probably found your brain filled to bursting. If you didn’t make the conference or–horrors!–didn’t make our workshop, we’re offering our handout here for download. Since I am not sure yet on how to put up a pdf link and haven't done it on my own website yet, so can do it that way, here is a link to it at Shara Lanel's website: Cutting Edge Promotion Workshop Handout

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