Friday, November 08, 2013

Supernatural Friday: Winter is Coming, That Mean's It's Soon Hunting Season

(Another original poem of mine--please just share the link for others to read it here, not shre the poem on your site. Thank you. )

"Winter is Coming, That Mean's It's Soon Hunting Season"

Winter’s not here yet, 
It's just autumn
But the leaves are dropping
And winter's cold fingers touches my skin.
Nothing to fear,
Except freezing to death;
But the coldness
Brings the monsters
They want to play;
Play with you
In so many ways.
Less people in the woods,
It’s Sasquatch’s time.
Werewolf is drawn
To towns more.
Ghosts don’t feel
So they hunt, cold or hot
They can eat anytime!
As for vampires
They’re icebox cold too.
So who told you winter’s safe?
It’s just another hunting season
For monsters!

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