Wednesday, December 24, 2014

What Ever The Reason for the Season; It's Magic! (Original Christmas Poem)

(Enjoy my original poem--remember it is copyrighted to me, so just share the link with your friends and family, and enjoy. It's my Christmas gift to you.)

 What Ever The Reason for the Season; It's Magic!


Pamela K. Kinney

The magic is just around the corner,
Christmas only happens once a year
It glitters with festive red and green,
Gold and silver tossed in with devil may care!
A mixture of pagan, Christianity, Hebrew, and all other religions
It’s all about love and giving and happiness,
If only we could bottle this magic up
And spray it every day,
Maybe, just maybe, there would be no wars,
Or even hatred or evil.
But at least we have this time
So spend it wisely, with family and friends,
No matter the reason for the season
Jesus Christ, as I believe,
Or pagan gods, even Hanukkah or Kwanza
Peace be with you, and a wondrous magic in your heart.

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