Friday, August 07, 2015

Supernatural Friday: Original Poem: What the Hell Are Demons Anyway?

(An original poem of mine I wrote and own, so please share the link to others and not the poem itself.) 

What the Hell Are Demons Anyway?
Pamela K. Kinney

Demonic, devil, dem…what the heck!
It’s all the same,
Or is it?
Is it about demons?
Or devils?
So many decisions
So many names and translations.
Daemon or fiend?
Dark angel or fallen angel.
Unclean spirit or diamond?
Ancient Greek word daimōn denotes a spirit or divine power,
No connotations of evil or malevolence.
But with Lucifer and Satan comes pure evilness
Demons are the new black.
Or red, with horns and pitchforks!
Whatever you think,
Those bad boys and girls are here
To terrorize us,
Give us nightmares,
And we’re not talking about horses here!
Demons, devil, fallen angel,
It’s all on the tip of the tongue
And maybe the stuff of Hell.

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