Thursday, October 01, 2015

Halloween Haunts 2015 October 1-31st-Blog Posts, Excerpts and Prizes.

The Horror Writers Association Halloween Haunts 2015 blog event begins today,  October 1st. This online-only event presents thirty-one days of Halloween posts, excerpts, and book giveaways from some of today's top horror writers. Celebrate Halloween with the horror writers and catch up on some good, scary reading. This event will take place from October 1 through October 31 on the HWA blog, Dark Whispers: Updates and announcements about the schedule will be posted regularly on this page throughout October. Please share this and help spread the word so everyone can enjoy a few good Halloween chills.

First one today is up to be read: Halloween Haunts: Bloody Mary  
TODAY’S GIVEAWAY: James Chambers is giving away one set of The Dead Bear Witness and Tears of Blood in paperback.


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