Friday, November 20, 2015

Supernatural Friday: Not Supernatural, but Happy Thanksgiving!

Since I have been busy, writing my NaNoWritMo novel and my husband took the day if today s we could go see "Mockingjay, Part 2" and do some grocery shopping for Thanksgiving, I am sharing this no supernatural peom writte by me for Thanksgiving. Enjoy.

I'm thankful for many things,
Like friends and family,
While pets and books also top that list.
How about simple things?
Butterflies on a spring day,
A lit Jack-O-lantern on Halloween night
Crying over a beautiful love story,
Or laughing over a silly joke.
But most of all, I can say
I'm thankful for life and what it brings each day.

Poem copyrighted by its author, Pamela K. Kinney


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