Friday, May 26, 2017

Supernatural Friday: Weird and Bizarre Things in Virginia

Church of Spock--Illogical?
I'm a big Star Trek fan, and into anything to do with Trek, but one thing taking me aback, is this church called “The Spock.” It is a few miles south of Lynchburg in Campbell County, in the state of Virginia.
Founded in 1977, it was in a large and attractive octagonal building. It is said to be the world's only church of Star Trek, a religion centered on the popular 1960's television series, featuring the adventures of a crew of interstellar explorers. It promotes beliefs associated with one of the popular characters in the TV series, Mr. Spock. The ideology of the church is centered on so-called Vulcan philosophy which includes the belief in pure "logic" and which emphasizes a lifestyle devoid of emotion.
A huge stained-glass likeness of Mr. Spock is featured in the sanctuary. Churchgoers recite sequences of dialogue from the series and participate in what they call a "Holy Mind Meld." It is said that many of the members wear stick-on pointed ears like Spock has during services and at other church functions. Supposedly, in one case of excessive dedication to the "faith," one member attempted to have his ears surgically altered. There were disastrous results, requiring extensive corrective surgery.
"The Spock" is not without controversy, as reportedly in the late 1980's, disagreement arose within the church. This due to the lengths in which members should go in emulating the purely logical and emotionless Vulcan approach to life. Some of them advocated a reasonable degree of emotion, due to Spock’s half-human part. Though a core group of hard-line members were adamant to stick to the Vulcan ideology. The stricter view won.  Several members left the church, condemning the practices. One former member went so far as to publish a science fiction story based on his rigid and stifling upbringing in the faith, a story which concludes with the destruction of the Campbell County sanctuary by a "phaser" blast from an orbiting "starship" at his command.   

Troll in Lynchburg?
A question residents of that neighborhood have been asking for over two decades in the Windsor Hills subdivision of Lynchburg, "Is there something out there...some kind of presence," in their area. One person interviewed said they witnessed an "amorphous black specter that stirred up small whirlwinds of a dark vortex." It has also been described as a scampering, mischievous small creature of some sort, sometimes venturing out of the woods to tap on windows, tip over trash cans, while others claimed it has threatened them. One encounter tells of hearing a rustle, then in front of them was something that looked like a troll. Now it was hard to see, but they said it wore dark leather clothes and maybe even a leather cap, had a bare human-like face, and muttered to itself, breaking out occasionally with sounded like a laugh. It turned on them and brandished  a small knife. The people bolted. More than one witness has reported sensing a presence before actually encountering the creature, and they began to wonder if it possessed some form of telepathic powers. Legend of the mysterious resident of the woods has grown over the years, and neighborhood kids called it, "Rufus." As one former Windsor Hills resident summed it up "I never believed in that kind of thing until I saw it with my own eyes."

A Sort of Area 51 in Virginia?
Supposedly in the Shenandoah Valley is "Valleyville," considered by those as Virginia's own twist on the legendary "Area 51." Like its famous counterpart, Valleyville is an off-limits region where only access roads are gated and guarded, the perimeter is electronically sealed and monitored, and its existence is denied by the government. Unlike Area 51, Valleyville serves an entirely different purpose. There are no runways at Valleyville and no top-secret aircraft being tested in the middle of the night. No pieces of UFO wreckage or frozen alien corpses hidden there. Valleyville is by all outward appearances a town tucked away in a nook-and-cranny of the Blue Ridge Mountains and Shenandoah Valley. There is no vantage point in Valleyville from which another town or even a road can be seen.
What is the purpose of Valleyville? No one really can say. A Charlottesville newspaper in 1994 hired former Navy Seal Peter McGowan to infiltrate Valleyville and uncover its secrets, but after acknowledging initial entry, radio contact was broken and McGowan was never heard from again. Efforts are ongoing to bring down the shroud of secrecy surrounding the town.
My thoughts on this? Obviously, someone should be putting their talents to writing a novel about this—sounds like fiction to me.

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