Thursday, October 05, 2017

My #TherearenoeyedropsinHell Blog Tour for How the Vortex Change My Life

I will be stopping at three other blogs, besides mine next Supernatural Friday, for the #TherearenoeyedropsinHell blog tour for my new urban fantasy novel, How the Vortex Changed My Life.

Leave a comment at any of the blogs to be entered to win a $20 Amazon gift certificate. Then come to my blog on Monday, October 16th at 12 Noon Eastern Time Zone to see if you are the winner. If you are, leave a comment with your name and email, so I can contact you to get you your prize. Having to approve the comments, I promise not to approve the comment. it is only for me.

The blogs I will be at:

October 8, 2017: I Smell Sheep Reviews: http://www.
October 9, 2017:  KMN Books: http://kmnbooks.
October 10, 2017: Carol Writes: The Write Drive:  https://www.
October 13, 2017: Fantastic Dreams of Pamela K. Kinney: http://pamelakkinney.

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