Monday, September 24, 2018

I Have a Poem in a Newly Released Anthology on Kindle

I have a poem, "Warrior Not Forgotten," included in this Kindle eBook just released and it is free until 11:59 p.m. PST Tuesday the 25th. After that, it's 99 cents. (The poem is not paranormal/horror related but about soldiers/veterans). The Kindle includes 2 poems and 4 stories-all entered in the local Richmond chapter's contest for the statewide Virginia Writers Club's Golden Nibs contest. Only the first place winners went on to the state level (mine is one of those).

The Virginia Writers Club Richmond Chapter Golden Nib Contest 2018 by [Smith, Carol, Beightol, Henrietta, Dixon, Luther, Kinney, Pamela K., Wentzel, Frank]

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