Monday, June 05, 2006

Beyond the Four Walls and My Upcoming Chats and Appearances

Hello, and hope everyone is doing fine. Today's post will be short and sweet--just telling about my chapbook of four ghost stories published by Naked Snake Press ( ). All four stories in Beyond the Four Walls are set in the tradional form, no gore, but more on atmosphere. I wanted to capture for the reader that if you dare to peek out of the side of your eye you just might catch something darting around the corner scared feeling. I think a more unsettled feeling that'll last when you go to sleep in your bed then pages of ripped bodies and splashing blood will ever do. Right now you can get it at, and also at , both in print and electronic form, and at Project Pulp in print only: . Hopefully soon it'll be for sale at, too. So check it out if you like ghost stories.
BLURB: Ghosts haunt more than houses and aren’t always bound by four walls as proven by the four stories in Beyond the Four Walls. In “Spectre Dreams and Visitations”, Sherry buys an old book of ghost stories at a yard sale for some good reading and finds that it results in something far more than she can handle or even wants. And haunting proves to be a dusty business for one reporter staying the last night of a reputedly haunted movie theater before its demolition in “Gray Dust.” “Hard Drive Haunting” reveals to a young woman that surfing the Internet does even more terrifying damage to her life than a computer virus to her computer. And in the last ghostly tale, “Call in the Night”, a woman finds that the call she’s been receiving each night is definitely more than a wrong number.

I'll be part of a chat with fellow Chippewa Publishing romance authors on Sunday, June 11, 2006. My chat time will be Noon to 1PM. EST at the CataNetwork listgroup. The link the chat is . The chat for all of the Chippewa Publishing romance authors begins at 10AM EST and goes on all day.And I'll also be at the Romance Designs Beach Party Summer Chat on June 14, 2006 10PM EST. The link for that chat is . I most likely be there just for the first hour, but I will be giving away to a winner the PDF copy of my erotic medieval fantasy, "Wedded Magic" published by LoveYouDivine.Com . Both erotic e-books are under my pen name, Sapphire Phelan.

And you can catch me live at these upcoming conventions. I’ll be doing panels, signing my books and CDs and doing readings.

Fantasci (July 29, 2006): Chesapeake Central Library, 298 Cedar Road, Chesapeake, Virginia 23322 (757) 382-6591. Right now the library does not have a website up for this year’s convention, usually not until July, but keep an eye on for it.

Horrorfind Weekend, to be at the Hunt Valley Marriott in Hunt Valley, Maryland August 11-13, 2006. Check their official website for details on the con itself: )

Ravencon 2007--April 20-22, 2007, to be held at the Doubletree Inn at the Richmond Airport. Check the official website at for updates.

I am currently researching and writing a Ghosts of Richmond book on true ghost stories of Richmond, Virginia, and the surrounding Counties and Tri-Cities area. If you live in Richmond or its surrounding counties and areas, and had an experience or experiences, please email me at about it. If you wish to tell, but remain anonymous, I can put you down as observer and not use your name. Thank you. I'll be taking stories until November 2006.

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