Sunday, June 04, 2006

Crimson Promise, Charles de Lint And Writers Beware

Above is the cover of my erotic paranormal, Crimson Promise
from Chippewa Publishing ( ) . It's only in e-book form, but I've gotten two great reviews on it so far, one from and from Coffee Time Romance. So if you like vampires, science fiction , hot sex and romance, please check it out. And check out Chippewa Publishing--they're a super publishing company! They had just accepted an erotic scifi of mine, Iridescent Invasion. So expect to see that from them in the future.
And now, I'm going to talk about couple things. One is about the author signing I've just gotten back from at a local genre bookstore in my town, Creatures and Crooks Book Shoppe ( ). The author in question was Charles de Lint. A super author, he does great urban fantasy, fantasy
and horror ( ). I have some of his books, but only search for and found Wolf Moon that I bought from Creatures and Crooks about three months ago. Wolf Moon takes a great werewolf tale, sprinkling it with super fantasy, mixing in an evil harper (the werewolf is the good guy) and made one hell of a good book from start to finish. I also picked up The Dreaming Place, though wished I could have gotten his new hardback, Widdershins, too. Oh well, next time. He read from Widdershins and then answered some questions from his fans, and then proceeded to sign books. Creatures and Crooks usually doesn't open on Sundays, but did so for his signing, and got a really great turn out.
And now for the second thing. A little writer advice. Mainly, these would be websites to bookmark as needful warning sites for authors. Places where you can check if that publisher is really honest, or on agents, etc... Writing is like the rest of your life, you have to be in the know to stay safe. It's more than writing that story that has to be written.
So here's the list of websites to bookmark for yourself:
Preditors and Editors:
Anne Crispin's and Victoria Strauss's Writers Beware Blog:
SFF.Publishing Scams:
Writer Beware:
Writers Whispers and Warnings:

I hope I helped anybody with these links listed. I know that I'd liked to be warned about scams and things when I first started writing and publishing my stories.
And so now, I sign off, and say, keep writing, and check out all the links I've posted today.

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