Friday, July 28, 2006

Sorchja's Heart by Debbie Mumford Out 7/30 and See You at Fantasci 5!

Sorcha's Heart by Debbie Mumford

A legendary relic, a dragon-wrought amulet, the Heart of Fire may be the salvation of her people, and Sorcha is willing to pay any price to obtain it, but when she discovers the price is the loss of her humanity, she learns caution too late. Only a hero can save her, and he isn't human.

Available July 30th from Freya's Bower

Check out Debbie's cool new book coming out, and if anyone is coming to Fantasci 5 tomorrow I'll be there at my table signing and doing couple panels. Please stop by and say hi, and enter my contest, with my erotic fantasy, Wedded Magic and assorted goodies as the prize.


  1. Wow! Thanks, Pamela.

    And good luck at your signing!


  2. Wow! Thanks, Pamela.

    And good luck at your signing!!!

