Monday, July 31, 2006

There some photos (not all, just some) like the one here, from Fantasci 5 this past Saturday, July 29th: that I attended as an author guest. Did pretty good--sold and signed some Beyond the Four Walls chapbooks (and the coverart artist had her table next door to me, so they got their covers signed too) and CDs of Crimson Promise. I did a panel with horror author, Elizabeth Blue; Modern Horror Literature: Stepchild of Poe, Stoker, Shelley and Lovecraft? and with my husband, a costuming workshop first thing that morning (the con head had asked me). It was a nice day, seeing good friends again, from both costumers to other authors like Gina Farago, Stephen Mark Rainey, David Niall Wilson and others. Afterwards, Bill and I attended an after Fantasci 5 BBQ at author Tony Ruggiero's house.

The Princess Leia in the picture with me is Cheralyn Lambert, who does costuming for films and television, and the stormtrooper is a member of Garrison Tyranus of the 501st that my husband is with and I am too.

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