Saturday, September 22, 2007

Review for Haunted Richmond from Rambles.Net

The reviews for Haunted Richmond, Virginia are starting to come in. Just got an email about the one at Rambles.Net. Some of the review: The stories in Kinney's book range from tales of the famous people who have lived and visited in Richmond to stories of prisoners, soldiers and ordinary people caught up in tragic circumstances. Most ghosts, it seems, come back to places where they were wronged or even murdered. The Southern setting adds a dash of intrigue and romance to the notion of ghosties and ghoulies. You can take it all with a grain of salt or simply sit back and enjoy the well organized book that Kinney has put together, full of screams, dreams and things going bump and scrape in the night. I would advise a bit of both.Read the rest of the review at . I also got one from Midwest Book Reviews. And I know of another one coming, with a interview, through Apex Reviews. Just not up yet, but I got copy of the review.

Pamela K. Kinney

Pamela K Kinney's/Sapphire Phelan's Fantastic Dreams

Get Haunted Richmond at Borders, Barnes and Noble, Books a Million,, and Amazon and Amazon UK. Also can be ordered through any indie bookseller.

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