Friday, September 14, 2007

Virtual Blog Tour Stop of Author Nikki Leigh and Her Book. Lady Lightkeeper

Today we have author Nikki Lieigh and her newest book, Lady Lightkeeper, stopping here on her virtual blog tour. And for the readers, she has a a cool giveaway:

Each person who buys a copy of Lady Lightkeeper, needs to email me a copy of their receipt. I just need a receipt that shows you bought a copy of Lady Lightkeeper and I'll enter you in the drawing for a copy of Widow's Walk. That seemed like a good giveaway since the story starts with Widow's Walk. However, if the winner already has a copy of Widow's Walk, I'll be happy to send a copy of Lilah and the Locket instead.

In addition, each person who posts a comment on any or all of the blog stops will be entered in a separate giveaway. Each comment will be entered in the drawing and at the end of the month, one person will win a copy of Lady Lightkeeper. Again, if the winner bought the book already, I'll send them another book as a prize. Any questions, let me know.


“I want to convey time, place and character to
my readers. I choose my settings carefully and want
people to understand what the setting and history
means for the story.
“The time I spent researching Cape Ann, led to
3 more books in the series. Part of the last book in
the Misty Cove Series will take place in Wilmington,
NC. The area and its history make it the perfect Place
to set that story.”
“My first mystery is set along the Outer Banks of
NC and at Cape Hatteras. There is extensive local
history and color built into the story. I did that to help
convey the time and place to readers.
“My love of the coast, lighthouses, history and
architecture let me have a lot of fun researching and
creating my stories. I’ve found that its helpful to write
several stories in the same area.
Nikki has a series of business books released under
the name Shri Henkel. Additional information can be
found at
She also owns a small business consulting and
promotional business. Her twenty years of business
management and fifteen years of promotional
experience have been very helpful in her business books.
Nikki's latest project is the first book in a series of
ebooks to help author learn to promote their books better.
It delves into all facets of book promotion and shares tips
from a number of authors about things that worked for
them. She looks forward to sharing this information with you.
Nikki would invite all authors, writers and readers to
visit her and her friends at Nikki
can be reached at
“I want to convey time, place and character to
my readers. I choose my settings carefully and want
people to understand what the setting and history
means for the story.
“The time I spent researching Cape Ann, led to
3 more books in the series. Part of the last book in
the Misty Cove Series will take place in Wilmington,
NC. The area and its history make it the perfect Place
to set that story.”
“My first mystery is set along the Outer Banks of
NC and at Cape Hatteras. There is extensive local
history and color built into the story. I did that to help
convey the time and place to readers.
“My love of the coast, lighthouses, history and
architecture let me have a lot of fun researching and
creating my stories. I’ve found that its helpful to write
several stories in the same area.
Nikki has a series of business books released under
the name Shri Henkel. Additional information can be
found at
She also owns a small business consulting and
promotional business. Her twenty years of business
management and fifteen years of promotional
experience have been very helpful in her business books.
Nikki would invite all authors, writers and readers to
visit her and her friends at
Nikki can be reached at

1.What inspired you to begin writing? How old were you when you actually wrote your first story or poem?

I’ve always been very creative. Originally it was short stories, plays for my friends and board games that were very elaborate. The first stories were in elementary school. I think it was second grade.

2. What genres do you write in? Do you like one over the other? What was your one favorite one that you wrote?

My first three are women’s fiction and focus on the woman’s struggles to make a happy life. I feel the stories show the character growing into a more independent and strong woman. Each has elements of suspense and a villain who is close to home. My Cape Hatteras story is a murder mystery and I’m planning for each of my future books to be mysteries which involve different kinds of crimes. Mysteries are my favorite, but I had to tell Kennalyn’s story first. Then I had to tell the stories of her ancestor, Lizbeth. They are unforgettable women. Each story has a special place in my heart. I’ve really enjoyed Lizbeth and her family, but I feel like we’ve spent over 20 years together (20 years of her life).

3. Tell us about your book, Lady Light Keeper. What inspired you to write this story? Is this a sequel to another book, or can it be a read alone book? Did you have to learn about lighthouses and working as lighthouse keepers in one for this? Give us a blurb from Lady Light Keeper.

The story of Lizbeth Sullivan Kinsey began in Widow’s Walk and the opening was inspired by a picture on my living room. I had a bunch of ideas and while I was in Florida for my brother’s wedding, I settled in my the hotel pool with a notebook, my story notes and a cold drink. I brainstormed my initial ideas with a friend and over time it has developed into at least 3 books and at least 1 short story --- so far. It is a sequel and the middle book in a trilogy – but each book can be read alone. Although, I suggest reading the entire series to learn all the tidbits of the story. I’ve been fascinated with lighthouses for a long time and have done a lot of research about lighthouses and the history of the lifesaving service. That research came in handy and I did more research to fill in the gaps. A clip from Chapter 1:

The ocean mist brushed across my face. Amber, orange and pink fingers of sunlight wrapped around the rails. My seat on the floor of the parapet was wet, but it didn’t matter. From my perch high atop the lighthouse, I scanned the horizon. There was no sight of the Misty Pride II. William should’ve been home weeks earlier.

He sailed with his men over six months ago. Where was he and why wasn’t he home? Our children needed him and so did I. Waves crashed against the sandy floor far below.

As the sun rose, my frustration grew. “William, where are you? I need you here with me.” The words escaped my lips. Turning from side to side, I made sure no one heard my words.

Holcomb would arrive to check the light soon. Each morning he extinguished the light and began his daily chores. I should know the responsibilities after all these months. My presence day after day must irritate him, but the lighthouse was the best vantage point in Misty Cove. I could view the coast from the lamp room. Normally, the sheer beauty along our section of the Massachusetts coastline would take my breath away, but not as long as William was missing.

I could watch from the widow’s walk at home. Shivers raced along my spine and the hairs stood up on the back of my neck. Even looking at that part of the house gave me chills. With William missing, I simply couldn’t think about that. The name seemed like an warning and I would not give up hope that William and his men were fine. I couldn’t give up.

Tears flowed from my eyes and ran down my mist covered face. My thoughts wandered to Marta and Aidan. Our children were our greatest job and they needed a father and a mother. I grew up without my mother because she died when I was young. But, my children needed both parents. I remembered Marta’s sad expression when William’s boat set out to sea. Before the Misty Pride II had cleared the dock she wanted to know when her daddy would be home because she already missed him.

In my heart, I knew he would be home. He’d been gone for over six months, but he would return to us. How many times had father’s fishing boat been late returning to shore? I couldn’t remember the exact number of times, but it was common for the men to arrive home later than expected. I leaned against the metal rails and gripped the wet surface with all my might. I wouldn’t lose again. I couldn’t lose again.

4. What are you working on now?

Right now I’m working on Rebels and Rogues – the next Misty Cove book. I’m planning to work on the next Book Promo book and a sequel to Lilah and the Locket once Rebels and Rogues is complete.

5. What kind of book or subject would you like to write someday?

There was a local double homicide in the town where I used to live. A friend was killed and another friend found the bodies. I would love to write a true crime book about the murders. I even knew the 911 operator who took the emergency call. I am glad to say that the murderer was finally sentenced to life and it was a slightly obscure law that was finally used to convict him.

6. Name publishers you have published with, or will be publishing with. Give us their website links.

My novels and Book Promo are all with Write Words Inc – e-Books ont he Net . My business books are all with Atlantic Publishing – (Released under the name – Shri Henke)

7. What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Stick with your dream and work hard to stay positive. It’s a tough profession, but its worth all the work when you hold your books in your hand. Continue to work to hone your skills.

8. Now for something fun. Chocolate or vanilla? --- Chocolate

Favorite color. – Purple

All time favorite book. – Far too many to name – but it would be an intricate mystery and probably a Jeffrey Deaver book.

Favorite TV show – most any Law and Order and/or CSI.

Favorite Movie – Dr Zhivago and Gone with the Wind.

If you can go anywhere in the world, that you haven't been to, where would that be? I’m not entirely sure, but it would be a coastal area.

9. What's your author website URL? (this includes blogs and MySpace) Also links for where one can buy Lady Light Keeper. Author website: Business website: Where readers and writers connect: Main Blog: Inspired Authro Self promo: MySpace: and Links to my promotional blog: Book Order Information:

1 comment:

  1. Just dropping in to say hello and remember that one person who posts a comment this month will win a copy of Lady Lightkeeper. Feel free to post your comment here :)

    Nikki Leigh
