Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Day in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

Bill took the day off as vacation and drove me to Colonial Williamsburg. This time to tour th Peyton-Randolph House, most haunted house in Colonial Williamsburg. or so says the ghost tour we took back in August.
All I will tell you is something did happen to me and I got a couple of pictures. No more, as this will go in my next book. So, I guess you'll have to wait until the book is written, published, and out in bookstores to read what that is.
The last picture is the back of the Randolph House. Above it is the film crew that the three groups that toured the house had to rush through as they were going to film something there for a commercial. I plan to go back and take the last tour of the day and see what happens then.
The other photos are of Colonial Williamsburg and Public Hospital (the Dewitt Museum part, which is beneath it). Also take a gander at the first photo--read the sign. That was in the hospital, by the stairs going down to the other part. LOL
Anyway, it was a nice day in the 70s, but crowded. We found out it was William and Mary Homecoming Week. But I hope it is that crowded in the College of William and Mary Barnes and Noble bookstore when I do my book signing Thursday, October 29th.
And if you do live in the area, do come by if you can. The signing will be from Noon to 4pm at 345 Duke of Gloucester Street in Merchants Square. If ned to find out more information, the bookstore's phone number is 757-253-4900.

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