Friday, October 23, 2009


Here are four questions for you to answer. Leave your answers in the comments. Thanks.

1. What book would you recommend for someone to read for October or Halloween?

2. What kid's book did you read as a child that frightened you the most?

3. Name your top five favorite horror or paranoral books.

4. What is your favorite nonfiction ghost book?


  1. Anonymous5:52 AM

    1. What book would you recommend for someone to read for October or Halloween?

    The Hunt for Red October

    2. What kid's book did you read as a child that frightened you the most?

    Chariots of the Gods

    3. Name your top five favorite horror or paranoral books.

    Collected works of Edgar Allan Poe
    The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

    4. What is your favorite nonfiction ghost book?

    Haunted Richmond, of course

  2. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I think I would recommend something by Ray Bradbury: "The October Country" or "Something Wicked This Way Comes."

    I was going to say that I didn't read any scary kid's books, and that's true as far as novels go. I remembered, though, that I read anthologies. Not necessarily for kids, but some stories stand out like "The Monkey's Paw" and something called "The Horla." That one really impressed me.

    Argh. Off the top of my head: Dracula, The Uninvited, The Shining (now that scared the bejabbers out of me), any collection of Poe's macabre short stories, and The Haunted Looking Glass, one of those anthologies from my youth.

    Duh! "Haunted Richmond"

