Friday, November 13, 2009


Today is Four Questions Friday with querstions on ghosts and more. Please leave your answers in the comments.

1. Do you believe in ghosts?

2. Have you ever seen a ghost?

3. Have you always had paranormal experiences?

Have you ever done paranormal investigating?


  1. Stonewoodforge8:02 AM

    1 yes. Definition for ghost would be helpful
    2 no. my awareness of a ghost is like seeing a person turning your back and knowing they are still there
    3 yes. from the age of 13
    4 yes. If a person can pretend to be something they are not could a ghost do the same? Ghost,angel,spirit guide, all I know is that they do not have a corporeal body at this time. I have found them to be unreliable. At the age of 35 I found one exception, the Holy Spirit of God. He said that J.C. was God. Who knew?

  2. 1. Yes, I believe in ghosts.
    2. Yes, I have been in the presence of a ghost (I'm sure of it!). When I was a pre-teen (10 or 11) and I was upstairs in my house's unfinished attic room - I walked out of the door and felt an icy wave pass over me. The hair on my body stood up and I was, literally, breathless.
    3. I don't know - I've had certain experiences that seem to indicate perhaps, but maybe I am just open to them?
    4. No - no investigations. I'm also a scaredy cat.

  3. 1. Do you believe in ghosts?

    2. Have you ever seen a ghost?
    I saw my great uncle once, heard the regular ghost at my Grans, smelled a phantom wash day...

    3. Have you always had paranormal experiences?
    Yes, seems to run in my family.

    4. Have you ever done paranormal investigating?


  4. 1. Do you believe in ghosts?


    2. Have you ever seen a ghost?


    3. Have you always had paranormal experiences?


    4. Have you ever done paranormal investigating?


  5. 1. Yes. Although my grandmother was a great believer in ghosts, I wasn't until a few years ago.
    2. Never seen one, but I've smelled her perfume. I've also gotten lots of pictures of orbs—I have a few places on my farm where I almost always get orb pictures.
    3. I don't think I've had much in the way of paranormal experiences. But I live in a "hainted" area, where several other people have told me about their experiences.
    4. No official investigating. I sometimes go out at night with a digital camera, though.

  6. 1. Yes I believe in Ghost.
    2. I have not seen a full body. but have experienced seeing Mist, felt coldspots, smelled perfume, cigar smoke, etc. I have what I feel is a young boy in the Jenny Wade house in Gettysburg PA.
    3.No I have not always had these experiences, but did not develop an interest in finding out about the Paranormal until about 10 years ago.
    4. Yes I do paranormal investigating on my own.

  7. Yes I believe in ghosts but prefer to think of them as spirits.

    Yes, I believe I have seen spirits a couple times. I have definitely experienced presences and had a couple frightening instances.

    No, I don't commonly have such experiences and don't think my family has but a few scary times.

    No, I don't dabble in the stuff. It scares the heck out of me.
