Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Weird Wednesday

Following last week's "unique" home, here's another weird house. Just looking at it makes me dizzy, never mind trying to live in it!


  1. Anonymous10:33 AM

    It might not be as bad on the inside. I can't tell if the weirdness results from actual structural wackiness or maybe from the way it's painted--or a combination of both.

    It makes me dizzy, too.


  2. How fabulous is this! I just adore the weird and the whimsical and the mind that created this, as well as the folks who'd live in it, are people I want to meet! Individuality seems on the wane and I'm pleased to see it's not gone yet. As long as the floors are level - although it's rather a "Yellow Wallpaper" house brought to life! (If you haven't read the short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, it's eerie and impressive.)
