Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Blog Tour Stop for Danielle Rama Hoffman & Her Book, The Temples of Light

Today, I am honored to have author Danielle Rama Hoffman as she stops on her blog tour for her book, The Temples of Light. Welcome her, and check out about her book.

About The Temples of Light (summary):A guide to the open-heart wisdom and secret rites of passage of thirteen sacred temples in Egypt• Provides information on how to thrive as we move from the Piscean to the Aquarian age• Offers guided meditations and rituals that connect to the ancient power of the Flower of Life, the Djed Pillar, the Ka, the energy body, and more• Includes a 60-minute CD of a guided journey to the Sphinx and to The Temples of LightThe Temples of Light guides the reader, as the initiate, on a spiritual journey through thirteen of Egypt’s sacred temples--a journey into the sanctuary of the open heart. Each sacred site is a portal to ancient wisdom that can assist the modern-day pilgrim with everyday life issues and struggles--love, purpose, money, and health--and the deeper questions of enlightenment and our divine origin.Danielle Rama Hoffman opens up sacred rites of passage that historically have been kept secret to forge a relationship with the temples of Egypt as allies and spirit guides. For example, the temple of Sakkara is associated with abundance; the temple of Abydos with remembering. The initiations in this book awaken intuition and the Sahu--the fully realized self--allowing connections to the power, magic, and wisdom of such sacred symbols as the Flower of Life, the Djed Pillar (the backbone of Osiris), the Ka, and the energy body. Hoffman’s guided meditations, rituals, and exercises also raise the reader’s vibration level, as we move from the Piscean to the Aquarian age. Embodying the wisdom of the open heart of these temples imparts a shift in consciousness from fear to bliss, from powerlessness to empowerment, opening the body, mind, and spirit to the infinite possibilities within. The book also includes a 60-minute CD of a guided journey of the Sphinx.

Excerpt from Sakkara - Sacred Symbology - Your Birthright of Abundance:Sakkara, located some fifteen miles south of Cairo, is the necropolis, or burial ground, of Memphis. The temple complex of Sakkara is grand in scale, and its known use spans from early dynastic to Christian times.1 This necropolis, or “city of the dead,” is best known for being home to the oldest pyramid in Egypt, the Step Pyramid, believed to have been built for King Djoser by the architect Imhotep (see plate 3). More remains have withstood the test of time at Sakkara than at Memphis, including multiple pyramids in various states of ruin. One of particular interest is the underground burial chamber of Unas’s pyramid, where the earliest version of the Pyramid Texts was found. “The Pyramid Texts, the most ancient body of literature known, were inscribed on the walls of pyramids and pharaonic tombs during the fifth and sixth dynasties. . . . They were supplications to the gods that a man might achieve unity with the deities in heaven.”The Pyramid TextsVersions of the Pyramid Texts were included in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, which Egyptians referred to as The Book of Coming forth by Day. Perhaps this reference to coming forth by day comes from the symbolic translation of the ancient Egyptian roots of the word pyramid. World renowned Egyptologist Emil Shaker explains it as follows: pr means “go forth,” mit means “road,” and ra is “the sun” or “light.” So the whole word can be interpreted as “go forth into the light.” Many of the utterances in the Pyramid Texts describe the process of the soul becoming the awakened Osiris. Shaker goes on to explain that one translation is “the flesh becomes the star.” The constellation of Orion represents Osiris—the human becomes the awakened Osiris.A common Egyptological interpretation of these texts is that they were part of the funerary rites and believed to aid the deceased in unifying with the Divine in Heaven. However, the initiatory aspect of these mystery school rites, as enacted by the living to attain enlightenment, has historically been kept secret. Jeremy Naydler, in Shamanic Wisdom in the Pyramid Texts: The Mystical Tradition of Ancient Egypt, suspends the funerary presupposition of the texts and explores the phenomenological implication of the Pyramid Texts: “The aim is to allow, as far as possible, the texts to speak for themselves . . . the rituals themselves were designed to accompany and to promote certain experiences. It is in these inner experiences that the meaning of the texts resides.In the second journey of mystery school initiation at Sakkara, you will experience the Pyramid Texts as a rite of passage, one which symbolically represents your process of renewal, of becoming the awakened Osiris, of uniting with your divine self. This process of going toward the light, of moving from the dismembered self, or darkness, to light and unifying with the Divine describes the journey of enlightenment. This process of elevation, or ascension, also involves the descension of the constellation Orion/Osiris to become the divine human, for it is essential that the expansion occur in both directions. This spiral pathway of expansion is one of ascension and descension: as above, so below; as within, so without.You will receive the gift of symbology at Sakkara in the underground chamber of the pyramid of King Teti. The ceiling of this chamber is pyramid shaped, and hieroglyphs on the wall comprise the Pyramid Texts (see plates 4, 5, and 6). Five-pointed stars on the ceiling symbolically represent human beings; if you were to extend your arms up and your legs out, you would look like a five-pointed star. In this initiation you work with your pituitary gland, where the nectar of the Divine resides, as well as your spinal column, where the cerebrospinal fluid rises and falls in response to the heavenly and earthly flow of chi.The second initiation at Sakkara is an important step on the ladder of consciousness into the open heart because it awakens your subtle senses and enables you to understand the synchronicities and symbols of your life. This helps you to make decisions and utilize the intrinsic wisdom in your life, including the power of hieroglyphs and sacred geometry…Your life is overflowing with symbols, and as you awaken your gift of symbology you will be able to let your life be your message, following the guidance that is inherent in its textures, patterns, and symbols. Sakkara is the perfect place to awaken your gift of symbology because the oldest version of the Pyramid Texts was found there, and it was also the place where the ancient initiates came to lift the veils, to awaken psychic awareness.Drawing ExerciseDrawing the Pyramid TextsDraw or copy the Pyramid Texts over and over again to spark your awakening. Direct the energy from your heart to move down through your arm and hand to guide your pen. Breathe deeply during this process and allow your focus to be light, even dreamy, as you create a personal connection with the Pyramid Texts (refer back to plate 6 for a close-up image of Pyramid Text symbols).Sakkara is a very deep and rich temple complex, and it would be beneficial to repeat the initiations several times. Every time you work with Sakkara, you are able to tap in to a deeper level of connection and a different facet of the broad band of energy available here.

Danielle Rama Hoffman’s Bio: Danielle Rama Hoffman is a spiritual teacher, author, energy intuitive and ancient wisdom keeper. Her passion is to transmit innovative and ancient wisdoms that inspire personal growth and elevate consciousness. Her areas of expertise include moving into and living from the Aquarian age of the open heart, initiatory rites and passages from ancient Egypt and manifesting health, wealth and happiness.Danielle is a conduit of infinite intelligence and divine transmissions that create a quantum field ofinfinite possibility. Since 1994 she has shared her expertise in the areas of metaphysics, the healing arts, energy medicine, massage therapy, counseling and the Egyptian Mysteries to assist 1000’s of people to enhance their quality of life. Danielle provides high vibrational wisdom and cutting edge practical tools that uplift consciousness and inspire you to lead your best life.EDUCATION2001 Member of a Lineage of Thoth2000 Certified Alchemical Healing Practitioner/Teacher through Nicki Scully1999 Kundalini Yoga Instructor1998 Flower Remedy Practitioner1996 Reiki Master1994 Massage Therapist1991 BA in Psychology & Women’s Studies/Counseling Practice

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  1. Hi Pamela,
    Just stopping by to thank you for hosting “The Temples of Light” on your blog and for sharing the excerpt about the ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts with your readers. I will stop back by to see if anyone has any questions about the book.
    With appreciation and blessings,
    Danielle Rama Hoffman
    Author of “The Temples of Light”

  2. You're welcome,Danielle. I've been posting about it on various palces I am with.
