Friday, December 11, 2009

Four Questions Friday

Four Questions Friday. Do answer the questions.

1. Do you think ghosts freeze during the winter?

2. What is one thing you like to do with snow?

3. What is the one thing you hate doing with snow?

4. Have you ever tried to do a paranormal investigation during the winter time?


  1. 1. Do you think ghosts freeze during the winter?

    No. I tend to think of ghosts as being in their own time frame, rather than ours, jsut that we can see them.

    2. What is one thing you like to do with snow?

    Sit inside and look at it.

    3. What is the one thing you hate doing with snow?

    Having to walk on it once it's gone all slippery.

    4. Have you ever tried to do a paranormal investigation during the winter time?

    I've never actively tried paranormal investigation. Mostly the spirit world comes to me.

  2. R. Snare1:02 PM

    1 - Only if they want to.

    2 - Pummel unsuspecting SO's with it.

    3 - Remove it from the driveway and off the car.

    4 - No.

  3. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I don't think ghosts freeze in the winter, but I couldn't be sure about that.

    The one thing I like to do in the snow is play in it. Throw a snowball.

    One think I hate doing in the snow would be driving or walking if slippery.

    I've never tried anything paranormal winter or summer.

  4. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Four Questions Friday. Do answer the questions.

    1. Do you think ghosts freeze during the winter?---Maybe

    2. What is one thing you like to do with snow?---Look at it while drinking coffee.

    3. What is the one thing you hate doing with snow?---Nothing I can think of. I love snow.

    4. Have you ever tried to do a paranormal investigation during the winter time?---No

  5. 1 No I don't think ghost freeze, I believe they are on a different plane than us and trapped perhaps in a different time frame.
    2. I like to catch the snow on my tongue
    3 I hate driving in the snow.
    4. Yes I have done a paranormal investigation in the winter. Fortunately it was inside. I joined a group to investigate the Ferry Plantation House in VA. Beach VA. last winter. In fact we got some snow the next day (maybe the ghost sent it ha ha)
