Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fantasci 2010

On Saturday, June 26, 2010, we got up at 4 a.m. in the morning, packed into the car what we didn’t pack into the night before, and by 5:10 a.m. were on our way to Chesapeake, Virginia, where the Chesapeake Central Library and the one-day convention, Fantasci, would be.

By 7:10 a.m. we had arrived. After unloading my stuff and fixing up the table they had for me, at 9 a.m. when the con officially started I was ready. I had a stack on my new book, Spectre Nightmares and Visitations, set up behind a copy on a holder with a raven perching on top. I also had out copies of Haunted Richmond, Virginia, Haunted Virginia: Legends, Myths and True Tales, and some other books written under my pseudonym, Sapphire Phelan. Many other authors, artists, and dealers, along with fan groups like Starfleet Atlantic and Tidewater Alliance, also had everything set up on their tables. Across from me a couple of guys were putting together the Klingon jail.

That’s right: a Klingon jail. You know those aliens in Star Trek? The jail was for charity, and people could have friends arrested and put in jail for the most ten minutes. Of course, someone had to pay three dollars to get the jailbird out, but it was all for charity. I even had my husband arrested! I got him out too, just in time to watch my table as I headed for my first panel with fantasy author Leona Wisoker on world building at noon.

The second panel I was on, Quick writing was hilarious as always, where audience members gave us key words to put in a story, that each author contributed the beginning, the middle and the end to.

Not long after that panel, it was time to pack up and leave the library. We headed over to an author friend’s house nearby for a barbecue. We finally got home around 11:36 p.m. It was a good day.

And yes, my new book sold well!

Check out the photos above from Fantasci. And for those who missed it, bookmark the official website to know when Fantasci returns to the Chesapeake Central Library:


  1. Sounds like you had a really good time, Pam.
    Glad to know that it went well for you and Bill. :) :)

  2. OMG...4:30 in the morning...

    You intrepid souls.

  3. To get rid of the 100 extra spaces between the text and the pics, try clicking your curser under the last of the photos and hitting the "delete" key until you see the text climbing up the page. LOL! Great pics!

  4. Looks like you had fun! Nice pictures. :)

  5. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Thanks for posting the photos. I see some familiar faces! Glad it went well for you. Did you sleep most of Sunday?


  6. No, I got up around 8 am. I was awake then. :D
