Friday, June 25, 2010


Four Questions Friday asks about what do you do to keep cool these hot summer days.

1. Is it hot right now where you are at?

2. When you are outside, how do you keep cool?

3. What your favorite indoor thing to do where it's air conditioned?

4. What's your favorite thing to do outside even when it's very hot?


  1. Anonymous6:09 AM

    1. YES! We are at the Outer Banks and there's a heat index of 100+ today.

    2. We have a private pool at the house we're renting! Plus the ocean is right across the street.

    3. Read, write, surf the 'net.

    4. Swim!

  2. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Four Questions Friday asks about what do you do to keep cool these hot summer days.

    1. Is it hot right now where you are at?---YES

    2. When you are outside, how do you keep cool?---Drink cold water.

    3. What your favorite indoor thing to do where it's air conditioned?-Read

    4. What's your favorite thing to do outside even when it's very hot?-Beach & Canoe
    ~Sarah Ham~
