Just found out I have a review for my horror and dark fantasy collection, Spectre Nightmares and Visitations.
Some of the review: Spectre Nightmares and Visitations is a great collection of short stories from quite an imaginative story teller. These are the stories you would find in “The Outer Limits” or “One Step Beyond,” stories that stretch the imagination. Covering the gamut you’ll find ghosts, werewolves, other-worldly beings, and even wicked cats, oh my! Read the rest at http://horrornovelreviews.com/…/pamela-k-kinney-spectre-ni…/
Friday, August 28, 2015
Supernatural Friday: Going Camping Can Be Scary

It is still summer, but things connected with autumn and even
Halloween are slowly appearing in stores, and the fist Spirit of Halloween
stores have opened. So how to get your fix of Halloween, but while summer is
still here technically? By going camping and telling spooky tales around
the campfire.
Telling tales around the campfire has been going on since—well,
since the cave man times when the shaman of the tribe told stories of monsters,
spirits and gods to his or her people.
Many tales are also told around the fire burning in a hearth indoors,
but that happened later when it was cold outside.
So, I will tell a couple of urban legends to get you started to
tell around your own campfire.
Good Thing the Light Wasn’t Turned on……
TWO girls who shared a room at a dorm in
college. Both were in the same science class. The teacher reminded them about
the midterm the next day. But outside of class, one of the girls was asked to a
big bash by the hottest guy in school. The other girl had no interest in going
and, being a diligent student, she decided studying for the test was more
the end of the day, the one going, tried to get other to go, but she was
insistent that she would study and pass the test. The girls were rather close
and party girl didn't like leaving her roommate alone to be bored while she was
out having a blast. But her friend told her
to go on.
party goer went to the party and had the time of her life. She headed back to
the dorm around 2 a.m. and was careful not to wake her friend up, keeping the lights
off as the other was already in bed.
woke up early and went to wake her roommate. The girl was lying on her back,
apparently sound asleep. Party girl shook her friend over but the other never
responded Concerned, party girl turned on the desk lamp. She saw the science
books and notes still on the bed, with blood all over it. To her horror, she
saw her friend had been slaughtered and fell to the floor. She looked up and
saw written on the wall in Meg's blood: "AREN'T YOU GLAD YOU DIDN'T TURN

The Man with the Hook…….
A TEENAGE boy took his date to a dark
and deserted Lovers' Lane for a make-out session in his vehicle. The radio set
to some romantic music to set the mood, he began to kiss her.
the music stopped and an announcer's voice came on, warning about a convicted
murderer that just escaped from the state insane asylum and that anyone who
noticed a strange man lurking about with a hook in place of his right hand
should immediately report his whereabouts to the police. This asylum happened to be located not far
from Lovers' Lane.
girl grew scared and asked to be taken home. The boy, though, locked all the
doors and assured his date they would be safe. He attempted to kiss her again,
but she pushed him away and insisted they leave. NOW! Not happy about his date
cute short, the boy turned the key in the ignition, the engine roared to life,
and he jerked the car into gear and spun its wheels as he drove away.
they arrived at the girl's house, she stepped out of the car, and as she closed
the door, began to scream. The boy bolted from the driver’s side and ran to her
side to see what was wrong. There,
dangling from the door handle, was a bloody hook!

Saturday, August 15, 2015
Supernatural Friday: Curse of the Three Sisters
What are your favorite Native American stories? Let us know, by leaving a comment.
Curse of the Three Sisters—Northern Virginia
Another tale of the Algonquian tribes is about a curse by three
Algonquin women that apparently seems to still work today. This curse concerns
three large granite rocks that rise out of the water between Virginia’s
shoreline and Washington D.C. The story takes place a hundred years
before Jamestown
had been settled by the white man.
Though the land was rich with farmland and game and everyone did well,
peace did not reign here. To the north were the Iroquois and Susquehannocks and
they would raid the Algonquin tribes of the Powhatan Confederacy in the Virginia area, the
battles fierce and bloody.
After a long siege, one Powhatan chief felt it was safe enough for his
warriors and him to hunt for food. He forbidden though, three of his young sons
to go with them, feeling they were not old enough to defend themselves if
trouble came.
The young men decided to show their father how well they could go out
and bring enough fresh fish to feed the women, children, and old men in the village.
They did this after the hunting party left.
Now the greatest abundance of fish lived in the waters near the
northern shore where the Susquehannocks warriors might still be. Using a canoe,
they pushed it into the river and struck out. Not long after, a Susquehannock
scouting party captured them and they were brought before the village, tortured,
and killed. Of the villagers, three young daughters of the village shaman who
were in loved with the young men watched with horror and growing anger.
They devised among themselves that they would cross the river to the
village of the Susquehannocks to demand the warriors that killed the men they
loved. They would take them back to their village to beguile them with their
beauty and their fathers’ medicine. But afterwards, they would kill them by a
long, agonizing death.
The sisters lashed several logs into a raft and pushed it from shore.
But the current from the river proved too strong and fast and soon, they found
themselves racing downstream. Still angry over the senseless deaths of the men
they loved, the sisters cursed the river and said if they couldn’t cross it, no
one would ever be able to do so.
The raft broke up and they sank to their deaths. The curse became true
as one flash from a lightening struck the spot where they went down. That night
the storm continued and the river’s waters went crazy. The following morning
all grew calm as the sun rose into the sky. But three boulders had rose out of
the spot where the sisters drowned, boulders that hadn’t been there before.
From that time on, the rocks take their toll on those who dare to try
and cross the river there. A growing list of those victims who died is added to
a growing list by local law enforcements—many fishermen, swimmers, and boaters.
Old-timers claim that you can hear moaning over the Potomac
during a storm, warning of another impending drowning.
In 1972, when they tried to construct a bridge to span the river, it
became interrupted by one of the worse storms ever. Whitecaps surged on the
water and lightening struck the spot where the bridge supports were starting to
be built. The water surged and swept away the construction framework. Funny
thing, the bridge was to be called “Three
Sisters Bridge.”
Next time you feel you want to test an Indian curse work, try swimming
in the Potomac where three sisters had died.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Preorder Paranormal Petersburg, Virginia, and the Tri-Cities Area
Releases September 29, 2015.
Travel to Petersburg, Virginia, and the surrounding areas of Colonial Heights, Hopewell, Prince George, Dinwiddie, and nearby Ettrick-Matoaca, Enon, and Chester to discover what spirits, monsters, UFOs, and legends await the unwary. Why are the Union and Confederate spirits still fighting the Civil War in the battlefields? Who is the lady in blue who haunts Weston Plantation House? Learn what the phantoms at Peter Jones Trading Post will do to keep from being photographed. Drink tea with runaway slaves still hiding on the top floor above the Blue Willow Tea Room. Are Edgar Allan Poe and his bride still on their honeymoon at Hiram Haines Coffee and Ale House? Why does the Goatman stalk young lovers? Meet the ghosts of Violet Bank Museum that greet guests at the house. Hauntingly active as they share space with the living, the dead refuse to give up their undead residency.
Preorder at Schiffer Publishing
Friday, August 07, 2015
Supernatural Friday: Original Poem: What the Hell Are Demons Anyway?

(An original poem of mine I wrote and own, so please share the link to others and not the poem itself.)
What the Hell Are
Demons Anyway?
Pamela K. Kinney
Demonic, devil,
dem…what the heck!
It’s all the same,
Or is it?
Is it about demons?
Or devils?
So many decisions
So many names and
Daemon or fiend?
Dark angel or fallen angel.
Unclean spirit or diamond?
Ancient Greek word daimōn denotes a spirit or divine
No connotations of
evil or malevolence.
But with Lucifer and
Satan comes pure evilness
Demons are the new
Or red, with horns
and pitchforks!
Whatever you think,
Those bad boys and
girls are here
To terrorize us,
Give us nightmares,
And we’re not talking
about horses here!
Demons, devil, fallen
It’s all on the tip of
the tongue
And maybe the stuff
of Hell.

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