Since it's Halloween's month, I always read scary books and watch scary movies. Like I been reading scary books like Dead Eye by Jim Bernheimer, Laurell K. Hamilton's latest book, and my traditional ghost story, The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson (only book to scare me in the daytime in a room full of people).
Bought the DVD, Trick R Treat and it's a goodie. Ordered and got Supernatural Season 4 on Blu Ray so will be watching that (of course, I am watching Season 5 on Thursdays)and tonight hubby and I going to see ZombieLand as we got free passes to see it.
What do you read or watch this month?
This month I've been watching Angel on DVD, read a ton of fairy tales, and now that you mention it I'll probably start watching Supernatural again. October is a great time to scare yourself silly.
Since the nightly news is the scariest show in town, and leaves even me, a horror reader shaking in my shoes, I'll forego it.
But ah - "theme" reading! What a marvelous idea, Pamela!
One of the books that has always given me goosebumps and I happen to have a brand new copy (with 25,000+ books I can never find the one I want so I keep buying new ones of my favorites) is SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES by Ray Bradbury. And I'm hoping for a wild and windy autumn night on 10/31 so I can sit outside, in the dark, under the trees, with my book light and read REBECCA - a classic Gothic for a spooky night.
Yeah, that's another fave of mine 9but then I love Bradbury), Something Wicked This way Comes. I have that in print and on DVD as movie too. And Rebecca is always a good read.
Dean Koontz--Intensity or Tick Tock--both are set in the autumn.
We always watch Ernest Scared Stupid on or around Halloween. Not the scariest of movies :-), but it has become a family tradition since the movie was first released way back when.
I admit I like Ernest Scared Stupid. Have that somewhere on DVD I think. The Christmas one, too.
I agree the news is too scary, so it's Ghost Hunters (TAPS) for me! And I'm hoping they have another Halloween special like last year.
I'll be starting The House of Seven Gables soon. Never got to read that old ghost story. On a recent trip to the House of Seven Gables in Salem, MA, hubby and I bought a copy. Meanwhile, I'm watching my Buffy DVDs. :)
I'm reading Edgar Allan Poe but--surprise! surprise!--not the scary stories. (I have pretty vivid memories of those anyway.) Nope, I'm reading the poetry, and plenty of it fits well into October. "El Dorado" has a "shade." "Annabel Lee" sounds like a fairy tale gone bad. "Ullalume" is just spooky. "The Haunted Palace" not only fits the theme, but it's from "Fall of the House of Usher." And do I even need to mention "The Raven"?
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