1.) -Please tell us about your latest book.
My newest book is through Schiffer Publishing, and it is called “Haunted Historic Greensboro.” It covers almost 20 different places in the city of Greensboro, NC that are not only historical sites, but also haunted.
2.) -What can we expect from you in the future?
Currently I am working on a book for McFarland called “Encyclopedia of Vampire Mythology,” and as the name would imply it is an encyclopedia of vampires with a scholarly tone to it.
3.) -How do we find out about you and your books?
Finding out about me is easy, just Google my name. My books are available at your favorite on-line dot come book buying place like Barnes and Nobel.com as well as through my personal website, www.theresabane.com. If your local book store doesn’t have one on the shelf it can be easily ordered, as all my books are in print. If you don’t want to buy my book have the government do it for you. All you have to do is tell the librarian at your local public library that you would like it ordered and more often than not, they will.
4.) -How would you describe the genre in which you do most of your writing?
Bi-polar. On the one hand I write historical non-fiction reference books. On the other, I write humor. I even have a humor book, “The Bloodthirsty Weasels: On the Loose and Buck Wild” and I also write two humorous articles monthly for Buzzy Multimedia.
5.) What motivated you to start writing in this book?
I was at a horror convention called HorrorFind and was approached by Schiffer editor Dinah Roseberry. It was her idea for me to write a haunted city book for Schiffer. I was sort of nervous about doing a haunted city book, as Schiffer has so many awesome ones already I was being asked to follow in some pretty big footsteps. I said I wanted to think about it and told my mom what was offered. My mom encouraged me to do the book, and because of that, I dedicated “Haunted Historic Greensboro” to her.
6.) -What kind of research do you do?
At heart, I am a researcher. I begin by jumping on the internet and just checking out what is out there as far as any given topic goes. It gives me an idea of how difficult something will be to research. Then I check out Amazon and get a list of books I’ll need to do my work. Many of the books I use are copyright free now and can be downloaded off the net through a number of different places. The other books I try to get at the library. When I use a book store I tend to go to the ones that have a coffee shop in them. There I can use the book and do my research without actually having to buy it.
7.) -Do you have a set schedule for writing or do you just go with the flow?
Having a set schedule, writing goals, and a specific place to write in is important for me. I disdain the idea of having to stop and look for something. Once all of my research is done and I am ready to sit down and write, I pretty much sequester myself to my desk. I write as little as eight and as many as 12 hours a day, five days a week. I maintain this schedule until the book is finished. Because I work at home I can set my own pace. If know I need to knock off early one day next week because I’m going out with friends, I work a bit more on the days leading up to it. Working from home is a discipline that not everyone can do. It is very easy to let yourself get distracted and not work.
8.) -Where do your ideas come from?
Whenever an idea hits me, I make a note of it on a slip of paper and eventually that idea makes in into one of a number of blank journals I keep near my desk. About twice a year I transfer all those ideas to the computer and put it in a folder I keep on a jump drive named “To Write.” When I am not on project, I browse thru that jump drive and see what strikes my fancy. The other places my ideas come from are my clients. Buzzy Multimedia always gives me assignments on articles they want. Schiffer approached me with a book idea. I queried McFarland but they specified exactly what they wanted.
9.) -Who, if anyone, has influenced your writing?
My parents enabled all of us kids to read. My husband who works a day job so I can write full time. But I am a big fan of Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Jim Butcher.
10.) -How long have you been writing - have you always wanted to be a writer?
I wrote my first book in the second grade. My next one was in the fourth grade and it was a collection of horse stories, but I forbid anyone to read it. I wrote a 2,000 page sci fi novel that took me all four of my high school years to write. All throughout college I wrote novellas and short stories for myself but only family and friends read them. I had always considered my writing as a hobby because I was trying to be a professional artist. Then one day some of my stuff made it into the hands of a publisher and they offered me a contract. I’ve been working as an author ever since. Nine years now.
11.) -What is the most rewarding thing about being a writer?
The only feeling better than starting a new project is finishing one. But I love to meet folks at cons and answer questions on discussion panels. There are so many interesting and brilliant folks out there. Also, there is a deep roots sense of satisfaction and accomplishment in hold a book in your hand that you wrote. In 100 years from now someone else will be reading my book. It’s like achieving some level of immortality.
12.) Among your own books, have you a favorite book? Favorite hero or heroine?
I write non-fiction, so I don’t have a favorite character in a published work. I do have an unpublished fiction vampire novel I wrote about seven years ago. One day I will shop it for a publisher, but the time is not right. The main character in that book is named Felicia, and she is wonderfully irreverent—but there is a vampire in the story named Daniel who I love to write about. He is at best a secondary character, but he is so much fun.
13.) -Please tell us about yourself (family, hobbies, education, etc.)
I am a die hard gamer. I love the traditional pen and paper role playing games. I suppose it’s a hobby, I spend my free time and disposable income on it. I am married to a great guy named Glenn. Our dogs are better behaved than any children they allow in the mall. I have a BFA and am looking forward to going back to school to get my masters.
14.) -Are there any words of encouragement for unpublished writers?
I get asked this question all the time, and yes, I do have advice to give. NEVER GIVE UP. I realize how incredibly lucky I was in getting the break I did, but I have had to work hard to maintain it. You don’t have to understand but you do have to accept the fact that just because an editor turns down your work does not mean that your book is bad. Ever noticed how there are fads and crazes of genres? A rejection letter means that an editor feels that your book is not what they are looking to sell this time next year. If you quit, you’ll never get published. And once you get published the real works begins. You have to do everything you can to promote yourself up to and including book signings at garage sales. (Yes, I have.)
15.) Tell us your website, MySpace, Blog, any urls so the readers can find out more about you. How may readers contact you?
--Myspace – myspace.com/terrybane
--Blogs – Check out BuzzyMultiMedia.com as well as LivingDeadReview.com I write for both of them regularly.
--Website - www.theresabane.com
--E-me at author@theresabane.com I’ll respond, but be advised that I am slow in doing so. My assistant fields all of the “you’re evil because you write about vampires and the occult and are going to hell” letters, so if you want to do us both a favor just address it to her, her name is Scuttles.
-- The best way to contact me is to buy 100 copies of any one of my books. I’ll be sure to contact you!! Hahaha! No, really.
16.) Now for something fun:
Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
Favorite color? Black. But dark maroon is OK.
Favorite paranormal being? The vampire. No big surprise there.
Favorite mythological being? Again, the vampire, but specifically the phistaco species of vampire.
Do you like science fiction, fantasy or horror? I am not being difficult but it depends. Horror movies, but only if they are cheap and cheesy; fantasy books but only if they are written by Jim Butcher; and sci fi if it’s about the characters, ah al Firefly.
All time favorite book? Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons, Yargo by Jacqueline Susann, Stormfront by Jim Butcher, and I Strad
Favorite TV show? I don’t watch enough TV to answer responsibly. I love the Hulu commercial with Alec Baldwin. Mmmm mushy mush.
Favorite Movie? I don’t have one because the answer changes with my mood and what’s going on in my life.
What makes you laugh out loud? I’d rather not say.
If you could go anywhere in the universe where would that be? To see if that is a damn face on Mars or not! Then, to Savannah, GA.
A secret fetish? No, I don’t keep secrets. If you want to know something, I’ll tell you, even my weight and age.
What a great interview! I really enjoyed the fun questions at the end.
Joan De La Haye
Glad you enjoyed it. :-D
Wow, I loved it. I think I would like to write to but I don't have the time. No, that's not it. I'm just too lazy. Anyhow, I'm gonna check out this "Haunted Historic Greensboro" by Theresa Bane. Heck, I loved "Haunted Richmond". I guess I love these type books. Do you know what would be fun? It would be fun if I left New Jersey and had a haunted adventure in my own country. Ooh ooh, or better yet, I could go to Transylvania-that would rock! Hmmm, maybe laziness is not my only problem. Anyway, can't wait to read the book. Awesome interview Pamela. BTW when is your next book due out?
It is supposed to be out May 2009--by end of the month the latest. Keep an eye on www.schifferbooks.com. Right now, only books out April and before up yet.
Theresa Bane here. Glad you guys like it. It was lots-o-fun. I'm doing a very similiar interview of Pam for BuzzyMultiMedia.com Look for it soon in their BLOG section. Who knows you could win the monthly prize.
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