I had two book signings this past weekend, along with starting to work on my next ghost book. My first signing was at Minerva Books in Petersburg, Virginia http://www.minervabooks.net/.
My first time there, I was sad to hear that it will be closing next month. It is a very nice bookstore and if you can and are in the area, drop by. All books are 30% off.
Saturday, I signed at the Barnes and Noble on Virginia Beach Blvd.in Virginia Beach. I did very well. Haunted Virginia: Legends, Myths and True Tales had sold out and the ones they ordered for my signing didn't come in time, but all the copies of Haunted Richmond,Virginia went and three of the five copies of Shifting Desires, that I have an erotic paranormal romance novella, Beast Magic, included in. Thanks to all those who came in and got my books.
After the signing Saturday my husband drove me to Champlin Hotel on Fort Monroe as I am starting to do footwork of my next ghost book. The hotel is used no longer as a hotel, though is a museum and in use (like for weddings--one happened that day we got there). It also has a ghost.The gentleman I could talk to was out of town, but I plan to give him a call and set up an interview. I did take some pictures, plus let my husband take one, which you can see here on this blog. The hotel is very large.
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