Halloween is almost here. Four Questions Friday asks about what are your plans for it.
1. What are you doing on Halloween?
2. Do you plan to wear a costume?
3. Do you have children, and will you take them trick-or-treating, or an alternative?
4. Do you have plans to go on a ghost tour, do a scary haunted house, hayride or something likie that, or something else?
1. Searching for the unexplained.
2. No i'm scary looking enough.
3. No kids here but i enjoy watching the candy bandits have a good time trick or treating.
4. Yes i will either be in the haunted woods or th hatfield and mccoy cemetery if everything goes right
1. What are you doing on Halloween?
Dressing up, giving out candy, watching scary movies
2. Do you plan to wear a costume?
Yes, I'm dressing up as a witch, My oldest daughter is dressing as Magenta ( from Rocky Horror Picture Show), my middle daughter will be working at the Ashland Berry Farm scaring other folks, and my youngest daughter will be dressing as Elvira.
3. Do you have children, and will you take them trick-or-treating, or an alternative?
My children are all grown up, but he grandkids will be trick-or-treating in my neighborhood
4. Do you have plans to go on a ghost tour, do a scary haunted house, hayride or something likie that, or something else?
No- we'll be haunting our neighborhood.
I like that graphic!
We have a party on Saturday night. Hubby is taking Halloween itself off. We'll pop in at his sister's sometime during the day, then be back here to give out treats.
Not sure about costumes yet, but we'll probably cobble up something.
No kids at home so not applicable.
We have done ghost tours and what not in the past but not this year.
1. What are you doing on Halloween?
Taking the kiddies trick-or-treating. And I will be watching the premiere of AMC's Walking Dead series behind closed fingers.
2. Do you plan to wear a costume? Nope nothing special.
3. Do you have children, and will you take them trick-or-treating, or an alternative?
Answered in question 1. :)
4. Do you have plans to go on a ghost tour, do a scary haunted house, hayride or something likie that, or something else? This Saturday I plan to take the kids to a Fall Festival. I'm hoping to drink lots of apple cider and eats lots of candy. Plus I'm taking them to a pumpkin patch. Great times.
1. Watching classic horror films and handing out candy.
2. A Ghost Hunter, complete with K II meter.
3. My kids have fur and will be wearing Halloween collars
4. My paranormal group has a booth at a local Haunted House/Trail attraction to get our name out and answer questions.
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